Easy Poems for for Upper Grade Pdf

School experiences differ for each person. When some people think about school, they have feelings of joy and happiness while others may experience feelings of fear and dread. Regardless of one's feelings, they can be captured in the words of poetry. Poetry can also be utilized to turn those feelings of dread and fear into peace and calmness.

There is nothing quite like a great poem to influence your students and lead class discussions. The following poems are excellent choices to use with your students.

Middle School and High School Poems

1. "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes

mother to son poem by langston hughes

In this poem, a mother is speaking to her son and explaining the difficulties of her life; however, she has strived to keep going, and she encourages her son to do so as well.

Learn more: genius.com

2. "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou

This worldly famous poem focuses on being resilient regardless of the perceptions of others.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

3. "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost

The narrator in this poem finds himself at a fork in the road and he must make a choice as to which road he should take.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

4. "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson

richard cory poem

The main character of this poem is Richard Cory who is educated, rich, and enamored by all; unfortunately, Richard Cory's life is not as if it seems.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

5. "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas

The poem's narrator encourages those who are dying to do their best to bravely fight and resist death.

Learn more: poets.org

6. "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" by Emily Dickinson

In this famous poem, a female speaker explains how Death visited her and took her on a carriage ride through various stages in her life before stopping at what is most likely her gravesite.

Learn more: poets.org

7. "Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes

dream deferred

Found in many books of poetry, this poem is filled with imagery and reminds us of the importance of working toward accomplishing our dreams and not putting them off until tomorrow.

Learn more: poemhunter.com

8. "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost

This poem was written by the famous poet Robert Frost, and it reminds us that nothing fresh, pure, and beautiful can stay or last forever.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

9. "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks

This poem discusses a group of rebellious and defiant teens that are hanging around a pool hall, and they will most likely suffer the consequences of their behavior with their lives.

Learn more: poets.org

10. "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll

jabberwocky poem

This poem is filled with figurative language and is a great story that includes good versus evil.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

11. "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe

This dark and mysterious poem includes a narrator that describes his grief over the loss of someone he loved.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

12. "The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel

This poem is for fans of science fiction and describes a situation in which the government takes control of people's speech by giving them a limit of 167 words per day.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

13. "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert W. Service

the cremation of sam mcgee poem

This poem will keep your students engaged, and they will enjoy the ending which is humorous and surprising.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

14. "If" by Rudyard Kipling

This poem provides teens with teachings of forgiveness, self-reliance, and integrity as well as being able to handle their fears.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

15. "The Man in the Glass" by Dale Wimbrow

Learning to love yourself is the lesson this famous poem teaches to those who choose to read it.

Learn more: stresslesscountry.com

16. "Eating Poetry" by Mark Strand

eating poetry poem

This funny poem involves a man that chooses to eat all of the poetry in the library, and it also includes how the librarian reacts toward him.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

17. "The Laughing Heart" by Charles Bukowski

This poem provides hope for students and shows them that they can make choices in life that can impact them in positive ways.

Learn more: dailypoetry.me

18. "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" by Tupac Shakur

This poem teaches teens a great lesson about resilience, working toward their dreams, and overcoming obstacles.

Learn more: allpoetry.com

19. "Tattoo" by Ted Kooser

tattoo poem

This poem is about an elderly man and his arm tattoo that has aged through the years.

Learn more: tedkooser.net

20. "All the World's a Stage" by William Shakespeare

This monologue describes the world as a stage and each person is simply playing parts throughout the seven stages of the play.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

21. "Fifth Grade Autobiography" by Rita Dove

In this precious poem, the narrator is recollecting childhood memories related to a photograph.

Learn more: ritadove1.weebly.com

22. "Journey to Be" by Mark R. Slaughter

journey to be poem

This poem explains that life is simply about the journey; it is not about the destination.

Learn more: poemhunter.com

Poems for Elementary School Students

23. "Sick" by Shel Silverstein

Students will love this cute poem about a little girl that claims to have numerous illnesses so she can miss a day of school, but then she realizes that it is Saturday which is not a school day.

Learn more: poets.org

24. "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" by Maya Angelou

This poem is about many of the things that might frighten a small child, and it explains that we can overcome the frightening things we face in life.

Learn more: poemhunter.com

25. "Homework Stew" by Kenn Nesbitt

homework stew poem

Kenn Nesbitt, a modern poet, wrote this funny poem that explains what can possibly happen when someone misunderstands something.

Learn more: poemhunter.com

26. "Lester" by Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein uses this poem to teach about greed, and how the main character receives a magic wish but misses out on the important things in life because he is only concerned with getting more and more wishes.

Learn more: familyfriendpoems.com

27. "Mother Doesn't Want a Dog" by Judith Viorst

In this funny poem, the narrator wants a dog but Mother does not want one; therefore, the narrator brings home another animal that he is sure Mother will not want even more than she does not want a dog.

Learn more: poets.org

28. "Maggie and Milly and Molly and May" by E.E. Cummings

This poem includes children playing on a beach, and it explains that we often discover things about ourselves when we venture into nature.

Learn more: familyfriendpoems.com

29. "The Dentist and the Crocodile" by Roald Dahl

This is a terrific elementary school poem about a crocodile that takes a visit to the dentist and tries to trick him into getting really close inside his mouth.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

30. "My Shadow" by Robert Louis Stevenson

This cute poem is about a little boy that is trying to learn about his shadow.

Learn more: familyfriendpoems.com

31. "Snowball" by Shel Silverstein

snowball poem

Elementary students find this poem quite funny as they learn that snowballs are definitely not great pets.

Learn more: familyfriendpoems.com

32. "The Spider and the Fly" by Mary Howitt

This poem uses a conniving spider and trusting fly to teach children a lesson about not trusting those that try to flatter us because they may have evil intentions.

Learn more: familyfriendpoems.com

33. "Falling Asleep in Class" by Ken Nesbitt

This funny poem is about a student that fell asleep during class and only awakened when the students were walking out the door.

Learn more: poetry4kids.com

34. "Since Hanna Moved Away" by Judith Viorst

since hanna moved away poem by judith viorst

Many students become saddened when they have friends that move away, and this poem does an excellent job explaining how this loss feels.

Learn more: poets.org

35. "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Lawrence Thayer

In this poem, Casey is a baseball team's star hitter, and he is expected to hit the baseball and help his team win the baseball game; however, things do not always go as planned.

Learn more: poetryfoundation.org

Concluding Thoughts

The inclusion of poetry is a terrific addition to any classroom. Students of all ages should be exposed to a variety of poems in the classroom. Poetry can be powerful for teaching creative writing and figurative language. The poems in this article will serve as a great list of poems to supplement your regular classroom curriculum.


Source: https://www.teachingexpertise.com/classroom-ideas/school-poems/

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