How Old Are Babies When They Start Latching by Themselves

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Do babies eventually latch themselves?

My LO is a month old and I find it difficult to use a nursing cover because I still need to squeeze my breast while pulling his head towards it to get a good latch and i can't see to do it with a cover on. Do they eventually latch themselves at some point?


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my daughter is 2 months and i still have to help her get a good latch. but yes they will eventually


I bought a cover like this too and it works so much better when you need to see your young one

Yes they do. Once their core is a little more stable and head control is good Breastfeeding is a little less awkward.


Yes they eventually do, I think we had it down by 2.5/3 months but my friend and her LO took until 4 or so months. It does get easier, you won't need the nippy every time and baby will get the hang of the latch, hang in there

Yes, they get better at latching themselves. That being said, I never got comfortable using a cover. For the first few months, I had to be able to see what I was doing and was always worried my LO couldn't breathe (I have G cups, so it's a legit concern when they're tiny, lol) and wanted to be able to see his nose. By the time he didn't need any help, I was comfortable without the cover and still thought it was a pain.

Both of mine learned to latch themselves fairly early on, though I am sure that varies a lot depending on the baby and breast and nipple size and shape.

My babe can latch on his own now at 4 months but his latch alone is shallow.. granted I do have short maybe even considered flat nipples. I have to squish myself and wait for him to open wide which isn't a huge problem


In the beginning I couldn't use covers for the same reason and now I just don't care 😂


I've wondered this too. My daughter is two months and tries to latch my herself but ends up only grabbing on to the nipple and none of the areola and it hurts bad! I hope she learns how to latch correctly by herself soon because it's so awkward to have to hold my boob and her head to latch

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How Old Are Babies When They Start Latching by Themselves


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